IIT Publications Search

Bianco M., Balena A., Pisanello M., Spagnolo B., Sabatini B.L., Pisanello F., De Vittorio M.
Additive micro-fabrication on tapered optical fibers: integration of optical, electrical and thermal readout channels
Optogen 2024
Conference Paper Conference
Kazemzadeh M., Collard L., Piscopo L., Pisano F., Ciraci C., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Advanced Holographical and Physics Inspired Deep Learning Approaches for Image Transmission through Multimode Optical Fiber
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 13011
DOI 10.1117/12.3017089 Conference Paper Conference
Piscopo L., Andriani M. S., Montinaro C., Zheng D., Pisanello F., De Vittorio M.
Advancing Neural Implants: SERS-Active Tapered Fibers via Low-Temperature Plasmonic Deposition
Optogen 2024
Poster Conference
Piscopo L., Collard L., Pisano F., Balena A., de Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Advantages of internal reference in holographic shaping ps supercontinuum pulses through multimode optical fibers
Optics Express, vol. 32, (no. 14), pp. 24144-24155
DOI 10.1364/OE.528043 Article Journal
Kazemzadeh M., Mehdipour I., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
An Autoencoder-Based Deep-Learning Method for Augmenting the Sensing Capability of Piezoelectric Microelectromechanical System Sensors in a Fluid-Dynamic System
Advanced Intelligent Systems, vol. 6, (no. 3)
Collard L., Kazemzadeh M., Piscopo L., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Data driven approaches to Raman imaging through a multimode optical fiber
Optogen 2024
Poster Conference
Collard L., Kazemzadeh M., Piscopo L., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Data driven approachs to Raman imaging through a multimode optical fiber
SPIE Photonics Europe
Report Conference
Mastronardi V., De Marzo G., Fachechi L., Stomeo T., Caltabiano A., Qualtieri A., Tonini R., De Vittorio M.
Development of Miniaturized Piezoelectric Wearable Biointerfaces for Advancing Physio-Motor Twinning in Animal Models
International conference on Micro and Nano Engineering: MNE 2024
Conference Paper Conference
Marasco I., de Marzo G., Niro G., Rizzi F., D'Orazio A., Grande M., De Vittorio M.
Eco-friendly and conformable PIFA based on PEDOT:PSS and a sustainable chitosan substrate for 5G communications
18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2024
DOI 10.23919/EuCAP60739.2024.10501554 Conference Paper Conference
Mariello M., Binetti E., Todaro M.T., Qualtieri A., Brunetti V., Siciliano P., De Vittorio M., Blasi L.
Eco-Friendly Production of Polyvinyl Alcohol/Carboxymethyl Cellulose Wound Healing Dressing Containing Sericin
Gels, vol. 10, (no. 6)
DOI 10.3390/gels10060412 Article Journal
Mohammadiaria M., Bianco M., Balena A., Andriani M.S., Montinaro C., Spagnolo B., Pisano F., Pisanello F., De Vittorio M.
Emerging technologies toward the integration of multiple functionalities on non-planar fiber optics-based implantable neurophotonics probes
Barresi G., di Salvo M., Tacchino A., Podda J., Grange E., Boccardo N., Tonoyan N., De Vittorio M., Berdondini L., Lorini C., De Micheli L., Brichetto G., Crepaldi M.
ENACT-EXO: Design of a Neuroergonomic Exosuit for Research and Rehabilitative-Assistive Applications in Multiple Sclerosis
29 th Annual RIMS Conference
Poster Conference
Collard L., Kazemzadeh M., Piscopo L., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Exploiting holographically encoded variance to transmit labelled images through a multimode optical fiber
Optics Express, vol. 32, (no. 11), pp. 18896-18908
Montinaro C., Piscopo L., Andriani M.S., Bianco M., Spagnolo B., Balena A., Pisanello M., Pisano F., De Vittorio M., Pisanello F.
Exploring the influence of Parylene-C thickness on optical properties of optoelectronic devices
Poster Conference
Pisanello F., De Vittorio M., Pisano F.
Implantable photonic nano-modulators open new perspectives for advanced optical interfaces with deep brain areas
Article in Press Journal