IIT Publications Search

Bagnolini G., Poppi L., Previtali V., Ferrandi G., Rinaldi F., Girotto S., Hirsch A.K.H., Roberti M., Cavalli A.
A journey through targeting BRCA2-RAD51 protein-protein interaction to establish synthetic lethality as paradigm for anticancer drug discovery
National Congress of the Italian Chemistry Society 2024
Poster Conference
Rinaldi F., Bernetti M., Bresciani V., Girotto S., Cavalli A.
An integrated structural approach reveals novel insights on the BRCA2 - RAD51 interaction
EMBO Practical Course on Small Angle Neutron and X-ray Scattering from biomacromolecules in solution
Poster Conference
Balboni B., Marotta R., Rinaldi F., Milordini G., Varignani G., Girotto S., Cavalli A.
An integrative structural study of the human full-length RAD52 at 2.2 Å resolution
Communications Biology, vol. 7, (no. 1)
Brindani N., Vuong L.M., La Serra M.A., Salvador N., Menichetti A., Acquistapace I.M., Ortega J.A., Veronesi M., Bertozzi S.M., Summa M., Girotto S., Bertorelli R., Armirotti A., Ganesan A.K., De Vivo M.
Discovery of CDC42 Inhibitors with a Favorable Pharmacokinetic Profile and Anticancer In Vivo Efficacy
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 67, (no. 12), pp. 10401-10424
Balboni B., Marotta R., Rinaldi F., Milordini G., Varignani G., Girotto S., Cavalli A.
Human full-length RAD52 at 2.2 Å resolution: an integrative structural biology study
Communications Biology
Article Journal
Romeo E., Saccoliti F., Andonaia A., Allegretta C., Laselva O., Falchi F., Occello R., Liessi N., Armirotti A., Girotto S., Pastorino C., Pedemonte N., Bandiera T., Bertozzi F.
Mechanism of action and binding site characterization of corrector ARN23765 via Photo-Affinity Labeling (PAL) approach in live cells
19th ECFS Basic Science Conference
Poster Conference
Rinaldi F., Girotto S.
Structure-based approaches in synthetic lethality strategies
Current Opinion in Structural Biology, vol. 88
Myers S. H., Poppi L., Rinaldi F., Veronesi M., Ciamarone A., Previtali V., Bagnolini G., Schipani F., Ortega Martínez J. A., Girotto S., Di Stefano G., Farabegoli F., Walsh N., De Franco F., Roberti M., Cavalli A.
An 19F NMR fragment-based approach for the discovery and development of BRCA2-RAD51 inhibitors to pursuit synthetic lethality in combination with PARP inhibition in pancreatic cancer
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Demuro S., Di Martino R.M.C., Sauvey C., Tripathi S.K., Ortega J. A., Russo D., Penna I., Myers S. H., Bandiera T., Girotto S., Abagyan R., Cavalli A.
Design and synthesis of triple protein kinase inhibitors: paving the way towards novel CNS tools to reverse the aberrant tau phosphorylation
ACS Spring 2023 meeting
Poster Conference
Brindani N., Vuong L.M., Acquistapace I.M., La Serra M.A., Ortega J.A., Veronesi M., Bertozzi S.M., Summa M., Girotto S., Bertorelli R., Armirotti A., Ganesan A.K., De Vivo M.
Design, Synthesis, In Vitro and In Vivo Characterization of CDC42 GTPase Interaction Inhibitors for the Treatment of Cancer
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 66, (no. 8), pp. 5981-6001
Anselmi M., Bellina F., Quaia R., Panosetti M., Veronesi M., Girotto S., Bertozzi F., Duca M., Bandiera T.
IX EFMC International Symposium on Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry
Poster Conference
Rinaldi F., Bernetti M., Bresciani V., Girotto S., Cavalli A.
Dissecting the BRCA2 - RAD51 interaction by integrating computational and experimental biophysics
EMBO Practical Course Integrative modelling of protein interactions
Poster Conference
Balboni B., Masi M., Rocchia W., Girotto S., Cavalli A.
GSK-3β Allosteric Inhibition: A Dead End or a New Pharmacological Frontier?
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 24, (no. 8)
Veronesi M., Bertozzi F., Panosetti M., Bellina F., Quaia R., Anselmi M., Girotto S., Duca M., Bandiera T.
XXVIII National Meeting on Medicinal Chemistry
Poster Conference
Brusa I., Sondo E., Pesce E., Tomati V., Gioia D., Falchi F., Balboni B., Ortega Martinez J.A., Veronesi M., Romeo E., Margaroli N., Recanatini M., Girotto S., Pedemonte N., Roberti M., Cavalli A.
Innovative Strategy toward Mutant CFTR Rescue in Cystic Fibrosis: Design and Synthesis of Thiadiazole Inhibitors of the E3 Ligase RNF5
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 66, (no. 14), pp. 9797-9822